JUST BECAUSE: Nevada Desert & Bonneville Salt Flats
The Couple: Burgundy & Mike
The Season: glorious spring!
The Location: Nevada Desert outside West Wendover & Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah
A Snippet About the Day: I had first met Burgundy & Mike a few weeks earlier when they headed North to my usual stomping grounds of Banff National park for their winter mountain vacation. I had decided to head to Utah in April because I’d always wanted to see the Bonneville Salt Flats when they are flooded. They looked just magical in photos & I wanted to see them for myself. Burgundy & Mike picked my up in Salt Lake City & we drove 2 hours west toward the Salt Flats. We had to make a stop in West Wendover to recharge the car & I loved the landscape that I saw there. It was my first time in the Nevada desert & it’s just lovely! I might have been paranoid about spiders & snakes & all the scary things, but we made it out alive without seeing anything creepy crawly or slithering (and yes, while I do belong to Slytherin, I am not a fan of snakes!). We had fun playing in the sage & brush while the car charged, then we hit the road back to the slightly soggy Salt Flats. I had wanted to get the best of both worlds… the Flats when they were flooded & when they looked like perfect salty warm snow. It might have been a little soon since it was a little soggy in this spot but it still looked amazing!! I can’t wait to make another trip back and explore the Nevada desert even more!
Looking for more Nevada Desert or Bonneville Salt Flats inspiration? I’m sad I don’t have anymore from the Nevada Desert to share (although I’d love to go back & shoot there again, just sayin’). Stay tuned for a few more shoots at the Bonneville Salt Flats once I get them blogged! Also super stoked to go back there too!
Soheel, 2016 Groom