Jessica, 2016 BRIDE

"Beth is a magician with her camera. My wedding photos are absolutely stunning!"

I had originally been planning this Vermilion Lakes proposal with Jaren’s Mom and we had everything all worked out. Then the weather gets a little crazy and Jaren had a hard time convincing Rachelle to go out for a walk at Vermilion Lakes. It was a cold day. like really cold. In the -20s. And […]

Vermilion Lakes Proposal

Banff, Proposals

Banff snowy engagement photographer
Wintery Banff Surprise Proposal lake minnewanka

Andy went through quite the planning process to create the perfect wintery Banff surprise proposal for Katie. The two had travelled from Australia and were going to quite a few amazing places and Andy chose Banff to be the spot to pop the question! Perfect, really. He even managed to find a dog to borrow […]

Wintery Banff Surprise Proposal

Banff, Proposals

When Alastair first contacted me we had a bit of a different plan but ended up with a Lake Louise secret proposal. Initially we were planning for Moraine Lake but it’s been such a pain in the ass trying to get in there with the road closures that we had to switch things up a […]

Lake Louise Secret Proposal

Lake Louise, Proposals

Lake Louise Secret Proposal photographers